Alex Jian - Art Tutor - 2017 Young Archibald finalists


Alex Jian - Art tutor

With a passion for creativity that knows no bounds, Alex brings a wealth of artistic skill and a diverse range of talents to Prince gallery art school.

Alex is a seasoned young artist proficient in various mediums, including oil painting, acrylics, graphite, charcoal, and more. Whether it's the rich textures of oils or the expressive strokes of charcoal, Alex has the ability to bring their artistic vision to life.

As an aspiring teacher, Alex brings a collaborative spirit to his class, aiming to inspire and elevate the creative abilities of each student. With great passion to explore the power of art to reflect unique emotions and concepts within each person, Alex’s art and teaching is a testament to the importance of art within our lives. In Participating with the artistic journey here, each student will surely deepen their creativity and talents in Art marking.

Alex has won many awards for his works such as being part of the 2017 Young Archibald finalists as well as being selected for the 2023 Art express.